Lancelot - The Mad Man

Lancelot returned to court in time to witness the attempt of Sir Brumant l'Orguilleus to sit in the Siege Perilous. By now it had been learned the Dame Elyzabel was being held prisoner by King Claudas and Arthur and Guenevere went to war, finally defeating Claudas and driving him into exile. After Claudas' defeat, Queen Elaine of Benwick came to visit her son and other male relatives at Gannes.

After Arthur's return from the Continent, Elaine of Carbonek visited the victory celebration, tricked Lancelot into her bed once again, Guenevere discovered the pair in flagrante and sent Lancelot away from Camelot who went mad. He wandered for up to two years and finally ended at Carbonek, where he was recognized, restored to sanity by exposure to the Grail, and given Joyous Isle to live in with Elaine.

Under the self-imposed impression that he could never again return to Arthur's court, he called himself "Le Chevaler Mal Fet" and guarded the island against all challengers. Eventually Ector de Maris and Percivale found him here and persuaded him to return.

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