
The Fauns come from Roman mythology and are similar to the satyr. They are the children of the god Faunus and were minor divinities to the Italians.

The spirits of agricultural fertility, probably related to the deity Faunus. They are sometimes confused with Pan and even with the satyrs, because sighting reports mention them as having the characteristics of both men and beasts. It seems probable, however, that fauns are much prettier and more graceful creatures than the shaggy satyrs of Pan with his goatish extremities. A faun is more like to have legs, tail, and ears of a deer with the body of and face of a handsome youth: smooth-skinned on the torso and arms and smooth-haired on the legs. Other accounts say the fauns do have the legs, hooves and horns of a goat and the torso and head of a man.

In Roman mythology, fauns are place-spirits (genii), guardians of untamed woodland and fields. Romans connected their fauns with the Greek satyr, wild and orgiastic drunken followers of Dionysus. They were rural spirits who rejoiced in nature and the company of Nymphs. Thus Faunus personality was spread and increased. However, Fauns and satyrs were originally quite different creatures. Both have horns and both resemble goats below the waist, humans above; but originally satyrs had human feet, fauns goatlike hooves. The Romans also had a god named Faunus and a goddess Fauna, who, like the fauns, were goat-people.

Their ancestor Faunus is said to have reproduced himself in Fauns, half man half goat satyrs. He is also credited with the invention of the shawm, a kind of flute, and the fauns are experts with this instrument. Nymphs have no fear of fauns, who are gentle harmless creatures, and a band of nymphs and fauns dancing together to the music of shawms is a pretty sight. Unfortunately the music often attracts a troop of satyrs, who come galloping up to seize the nymphs while the fauns scatter into the forest.

Farmers and winegrowers like to have a resident faun on their properties. He is no menace to the womenfolk, makes and interesting conversation piece, and is a beneficial influence on the fertility of grain and grapes. There is a danger, however, that the enchanting notes of a faun's shawm will tempt an agriculturist's daughters out to dance naked in the moonlight.