Questions to be asked of a witch

Block A

  1. How long have you been a witch?
  2. Why did you become a witch?
  3. How did you become a witch, and what happened on that occasion?
  4. Who is the one you chose to be your incubus? What was his name?
  5. What was the name of your master among the evil demons?
  6. What was the oath you were forced to render him?
  7. How did you make this oath, and what were its conditions?
  8. What finger were you forced to raise?
  9. Where did you consummate your union with your incubus?
  10. What demons and what other humans participated at the sabbat?
  11. What food did you eat there?
  12. How was the sabbat banquet arranged?
  13. Were you seated at the banquet?
  14. What music was played there, and what dances did you dance?
  15. What did your incubus give you for your intercourse?

Block B

  1. What devil's mark did your incubus make on your body?
  2. What injury have you done to such and such a person, and how did you do it?
  3. Why did you inflict this injury?
  4. How can you relieve this injury?
  5. What herbs or what other methods can you use to cure these injuries?
  6. Who are the children on whom you have cast a spell? And why have you done it?
  7. What animals have you bewitched to sickness or death, and why did you commit such acts?
  8. Who are your accomplices in evil?
  9. Why does the devil give you blows in the night?
  10. What is the ointment with which you rub your broomstick made of?
  11. How are you able to fly through the air? What magic words do you utter then?
  12. What tempests have you raised, and who helped you to produce them?
  13. What [plagues of] vermin and caterpillars have you created?
  14. What do you make these pernicious creatures out of and how do you do it?
  15. Has the devil assigned a limit to the duration of your evildoing?