
    1. Galvoie
      Galvoye, Gauuoie, Gauuoye

      A castle, ruled by the Lady of Galvoie.

    2. Galvoie, Lady of

      The Lady of Galvoie, the chatelaine, sent a damsel to Arthur's court to request either Lancelot or Gawaine to fight for her. Since both were absent, she settled for Bors.

      The Lady's father had rescued Sir Kahenin (Galenin) from captivity. Kahenin had built a castle on an island and given both castle and island to his rescuer. After the deaths of Kahenin and the Lady's father, Kahenin's son Mariales seized the castles. When the Lady arraigned him before King Pellam, Mariales argued that his father had built the castle. Bors came to Pellam's court at Carbonek, defeated - but did not kill - Mariales (Mariale), and made him restore the castle to the Lady. (It was on this quest that Bors spent two nights at Carbonek without learning of the Adventurous Palace where the Grail was kept.)

      The Lady of Galvoie married Gaidon, a knight who was her inferior by birth, but a man of great worth and prowess. He fought for her against Mariales, who was still making trouble. Together with Sir Bors, they were eventually able to patch up peace and friendship with Mariales.

      I am not sure wether Galvoie is the castle Kahenin built on an island or another castle nearby, but in any case the castle(s) would be in the territory of King Pellam, Listeneise.