
    1. Mark
      Marc, March, Marco, Marcus, Markæs, Marke, Markes, Markis, Marko, Markos, Mars, Mórodd

      King of Cornwall, husband of Iseult and uncle of Tristan. [More]

    2. Mark

      King of Glamorgan who is possibly to be identified with Meirchiaun (Meirchyawn), his son March, being identified, by some, with the Mark above, King of Cornwall.

      See also
      Ladiana | The Legend of King Arthur

    3. Mark's Hunting Lodge

      It was here that Iseult had to come for her trial, which legend said was at Goodern. A meadow of that name exists in the area of Cornwall referred to as Blancheland (Latin: Alba Landa; Cornish: Chyrgwyn), near the River Malpas.