
    1. Table of Errant Companions
      Compaignons Errans

      One of the three tables in Arthur’s court. The knights of the Table of Errant Companions sought adventures and awaited promotion to the Round Table.

      Lower than the Table of Errant Companions was the Table of Less-Valued Knights.

    2. Table of Less-Valued Knights
      Chevaliers Moins Prisiés

      The lowest of Arthur’s knightly orders, composed of old, weak, ill, cowardly, or inexperienced knights who did not seek adventures. A rank above the Table of Less-Valued Knights was the Table of Errant Companions.

      Perceval was originally a Less-Valued Knight before he was more properly seated at the Round Table.

    3. Table of the Wandering Companions
      Caulas, Kollas

      A table at Arthur's court, used to seat knights waiting to become Knights of the Round Table.

See also
Round Table | The Legend of King Arthur
Listed Persons at the Round Table | The Legend of King Arthur