
Supermen and superwomen born out of Chaos when the Creators of the Cosmos were striving to impose order on the elements. Giants existed in many parts of the world from Ireland to Japan. Neither mortal nor immortal, often possessed of magical powers and with a resemblance to enormous humans, they were uncouth and awkward characters who fought violently against the gods' efforts to control them. When at last they were flung out of the various heavens they settled in various parts of the earth.

For many centuries they caused great mischief by joining in human quarrels, gobbling up flocks of sheep, drinking rivers dry, trampling crops underfoot and tearing mountains apart. The only way to kill a giant or giantess is to cut off his/her head, and so it took a long time for various knights and folk heroes to dispose of this nuisance.

See also
Albion | Myths and Legends
Fomorians | Myths and Legends
Gogmagog | Myths and Legends
Trolls | Myths and Legends
Ysbaddaden | Myths and Legends

Giants in the Arthurian legends
Alchendic | The Legend of King Arthur
Balor | The Legend of King Arthur
Belagog | The Legend of King Arthur
Black Man | The Legend of King Arthur
Brien | The Legend of King Arthur
Bullherd of Broceliande | The Legend of King Arthur
Carl of Carlisle | The Legend of King Arthur
Ceimiad | The Legend of King Arthur
Galapas | The Legend of King Arthur
Glumdalca | The Legend of King Arthur
Mauduit | The Legend of King Arthur
Giant of the Mount of Araby | The Legend of King Arthur
The Giant of St. Michael's Mount, France | The Legend of King Arthur
Taulas and Taulurd | The Legend of King Arthur
Ysbadadden Bencawr | The Legend of King Arthur