
  1. Esclamor

    A giant knight, related distantly to Lancelot, who was raised by King Claudas of the Land Laid Waste. He fought in Claudas’s second war against Arthur, and performed great military feats.

    He participated in the Grail Quest.

  2. Esclamor

    The ruler of the Red City.

    A subking probably contemporary at least with Arthur's early days, if not with his later ones. Esclamor's territory seems to have been in the neighborhood of the "Forest of the Boiling Well". He forbade a knight named Sir Eloides from marrying his daughter.

    Eloides did so anyway and, to protect her from Esclamor, he established the Forbidden Hill (Le Tertre Deuee), which was eventually conquered by Lancelot.

    See also
    Le Tertre Deuee | The Legend of King Arthur