
    1. Port Astriges
      Astigres, Astygres

      A port. [More]

    2. Port la Roine
      'Queen's Port'

      A Scottish seaport through which Arthur’s Sir Fergus traveled during his adventures. The location is probably identical to Queensferry.

    3. Port Cleis

      A seaport in west Dyfed where the boar Twrch Trwyth and his piglets landed while on the run from Arthur and his warriors.

    4. Port de Gannes
      Yat of Gannes, Gate of Gannes

      There were six gates of the city of Logres. Two of them were called Bretone and Bricoune (which probably is identical to the Bretone gate).

See also
Porth | The Legend of King Arthur

Port probably derived from the Latin porta, a passage-way, a gate, an opening.