

    1. Damoisele

      There are several 'Damoiseles' in the Vulgate and below are some of Sommer's list. Some of them might be the same person.

      • Damoisele
        This damoisele "de la nef" who is the devil in person and endeavours to deceive the messengers.

      • Damoisele
        She asks Nascien to take her on board Salomon's ship.

      • Damoisele
        Maiden of the kingdom of the Inhospitable Land Upheld. Her name 'Honorable' is only found in the MS No. 337.

      • Damoisele
        She wept for the conqueror of La Doulereuse Garde.

      • Damoisele
        She mourns over the fate of Gawain.

      • Damoisele
        Whom Gawain had left in La Doulereuse Garde.

      • Damoisele
        She promised to tell Gawain the name of the knight whom they both sought as soon as she knew it herself.

      • Damoisele
        Who tells Lancelot that he must promise on oath to terminate the enchantment of the Castle before he would be allowed to depart.

      • Damoisele
        Whose lover two knights had killed, she asked Gawain to revenge her.

      • Damoisele
        Who hands Lancelot a letter from the Damsel whom he had left in La Doloureuse Garde.

      • Damoisele
        Whom Guenevere saw at La Doulereuse Garde.

      • Damoisele
        Who carried the shield to Guenevere.

      • Damoisele
        She led Hector to the pavilion of Guinas. She was Ladomas paramour.

      • Damoisele
        The bearer of the cleft shield. She was the niece of 'the Hermit'.

      • Damoisele
        A damsel who takes Gawain to the daughter of the King of Norgales. She was the lover of Sagremor.

      • Damoisele
        A damsel with a palfrey whom Gawain and Hector ask about the lord of lŽIsle Perdue.

      • Damoisele
        This damsel was in chains. She was the former sweetheart of Gadrasalain.

      • Damoisele
        A damsel who was chased by two knights, whom Galeschin rescues.

      • Damoisele
        The sweetheart of Meliant le Gai, whom Carados carries off. She is the friend of la Dame du Blanc Castel, the cousin of Galeschin.

      • Damoisele
        Sister of the damsel Galeschin meet, she conducts Lancelot and Ywain.

      • Damoisele
        She held a sword in her hand and wounded Lancelot from behind.

      • Damoisele
        She is Morgan who tempts Lancelot.

      • Damoisele
        Who told Lionel that Lancelot was dead, in order to cause him to fight an enemy of hers.

      • Damoisele
        A damsel on a black palfrey wearing black, who informs Lionel that Lancelot is not dead.

      • Damoisele
        The younger of the two damsels, whom the elder had sent to find out who Lancelot was.

      • Damoisele
        Whom Gawain serves and who guides him to le Pont Perdue (the Lost Bridge).

      • Damoisele
        She asks Lancelot for the head of a knight who had killed her lover. She is the step-sister of Meleagant.

      • Damoisele
        The Damoisele in the cart whom Gawain replaced for the love of Lancelot. She is the Damsel of the Lake.

      • Damoisele
        She offered to show Bohort a most marvellous adventure.

      • Damoisele
        Lancelot meets this damsel in la Forest Sapine, and she tells him about the danger of Meleagant's sister.

      • Damoisele
        Lancelot promises to do whatever she would ask him for the information she gave him about a knight in red armor.

      • Damoisele
        Who comes out of a pavilion when she hears the cries for help of the dwarf whom Sagremor chastises for striking his horse.

      • Damoisele
        On a white mule who greeted Lancelot and told him that he was the most desired knight.

      • Damoisele
        In a marble cellar, whom Gawain vainly endeavours to deliver.

      • Damoisele
        Whose hawk Ywain obtained for her from a knight who had taken it from her.

      • Damoisele
        Whom Mordred asks for night quarters.

      • Damoisele
        Who brought the Crowned Lion of Libe to court.

      • Damoisele
        On a black palfrey who made Sornehan promise not to kill Agravain.

      • Damoisele
        Who rode a small palfrey. She asked Sagremor and Guerrehes if they had not seen her brother Agloval.

      • Damoisele
        Gaheriet found her in a pavilion sitting on a bed and holding a mirror.

      • Damoisele
        Whom Lancelot finds in great distress because a knight has dishonoured her sister.

      • Damoisele
        Who healed Lancelot when he had been poisoned by the drinking water from a fountain. (Amable)

      • Damoisele
        Terrican carries her off and Lionel follows.

      • Damoisele
        Whom Hector meets lamenting Lionel.

      • Damoisele
        Who predicted near Corbenic that Lancelot would not leave the castle without shame.

      • Damoisele
        Lancelot meets her in La Forest Perdue.

      • Damoisele
        Who vilifies Bohort because, while at Corbenic, he had not seen the Adventurous Palace.

      • Damoisele
        Whose brother and hawk Bohort restored to her after fighting and killing the knight who took them from her.

      • Damoisele
        Whose head a knight, after having beaten her, struck off and flung at Lancelot's face.

      • Damoisele
        She promised Lancelot to find Lionel.

      • Damoisele
        She sat on a white palfrey and tried to dissuade Lancelot from going to the castle of Tinaguel.

      • Damoisele
        Whom Lancelot meets with a dwarf, she tells him what has happened to Lionel.

      • Damoisele
        Who told the host of Baudemagus that she had met a knight carrying another wounded one.

      • Damoisele
        Cousin of Queen Guenevere. She is sent with a message to the Lady of the Lake, and is caught and imprisoned by Claudas.

      • Damoisele
        Who implores Lancelot's help, but is killed before his eyes before he has time to arm himself.

      • Damoisele
        Hector and Perceval meets this damsel near l'Isle de Joie not far from Corbenic.

      • Damoisele
        The cousin of the daughter of the king of Brangoire. She reproaches Bohort, when he, with Hector and Lionel, is at her house, for having neglected the mother of his son Helain le Blanc.

      • Damoisele
        Bohort, Hector, and Lionel meet her in the wood.

      • Damoisele
        Whom Hector and Lionel meet near the castle of Zelotes, and who warns them of the danger they run at the castle.

      • Damoisele
        Gawain found her lamenting Ywain, while two men were holding her.

      • Damoisele
        A beautiful damsel who comes to court on the eve of Whitsunday and asks for Lancelot.

      • Damoisele
        A damsel on a palfrey, who humbles Lancelot by referring to his sinful life and its consequences.

      • Damoisele
        Whom Lancelot meets, she knows what he is seeking, and tells him that he has never been nearer to it, if he will but persevere.

      • Damoisele
        A beautiful damsel whom Bohort saw being carried off by two knights and whom he rescues.

      • Damoisele
        She was the devil in disguise and tempts Bohort.

      • Damoisele
        Who brings Lancelot a fresh linen "robe" at Corbenic.

      • Damoisele
        Whom Lancelot sends to Arthur when he is besieging Gannes to ask him for peace.

      • Damoisele
        Who, with a dwarf, is sent by Lore de Branlant to Arthur to ask him for a knight to fight against Gaudin de Val Esfrois.

      • Damoisele
        Whom Karracados carries off by force and to whom he entrusts the sword of Driant le Gai, by which, as his mother predicted to him, he would be killed.

      • Damoisele
        The damsel whose lover was imprisoned by Kaols sans Douceur in le Chastel de la Mort.

      • Damoisele
        Who tells Gawain that Sagremor is fighting hard against ten knights in the Enchanted Orchard.

      • Damoisele
        Who informs Sagremor that Li Outredoutez besieges the Chastel as Dames, formerly that of Greomar.

    2. Damoisele de la Blanche Nue
      la bele Damoisele de la Blanche Nuage | 'the lovely Maiden of the White Cloud'

      The Vulgate VII says Nascien's mother was this maiden. It is uncertain which Nascien this is referred to though.

    3. Damoiseles

      • Damoiseles
        The two damsels who passed Agravain.

      • Damoiseles
        Two damsels Gawain and Griflet met.

      • Damoiseles
        Two damsels at whose house Lancelot and Gawain pass the night, after the former's ride in the cart.

      • Damoiseles
        The twelve damsels whom Gawain sees in the Adventurous Palace. In another entry Bohort is said to have seen twelve damsels in the "Palais Aventureux".

      • Damoiseles
        Twelve damsels who lament after Ywain has taken Mauduit's shield.

      • Damoiseles
        The two who were bathing in a fountain, when a knight pursuing another accidentally surprised them.

      • Damoiseles
        Two damsels whom Lancelot finds at a fountain and who invite him to share their meal.

See also
Dame d'Amour | The Legend of King Arthur
La Damosele del Grant Pui de Mont Dolerous | The Legend of King Arthur
Damsel | The Legend of King Arthur
Lady | The Legend of King Arthur
Maiden | The Legend of King Arthur