Items in the Arthurian Legends - A
Adventurous | Gué Aventuros, Espee Aventureuse, etc.
Four items and three locations. [More]
- Adventurous Bed - or the Perilous Bed.
- Adventurous, Castle - The Grail Castle.
- Adventurous Ford - A ford.
- Adventurous Seats - At the Round Table.
- Adventurous Shield - A shield.
- Adventurous Shield, Abbey of the - An abbey.
- Adventurous Sword - A sword.
Alexander | Alexander Le Orphelin, Alisander, Alisandre
Six characters and one item. [More]
- Alexander - Emperor of Greece and Constantinople.
- Alexander - Son of Emperor Alexander.
- Alexander - A knight.
- Alexander - Prince of India.
- Alexander's Shirt - A garment.
- Alexander the Great - A king.
- Alexander the Orphan - Son of Prince Bodwyne.
A sword. [More]
Ark of the Covenant
The container of the Tablets of the Law. [More]
Arms and Armor
Arms and armor in the Arthurian stories. [More]
A sword. [More]
Places and belongings connected directly to King Arthur. [More]
- Arthur's Bed
- Arthur's Castle
- Arthur's Cave
- Arthur's Chair
- Arthur's Crown
- Arthur's Cup
- Arthur's Cups and Saucers
- Arthur's Grave
- Arthur's Hall
- Arthur's Hunting Lodge
- Arthur's Insignia
- Arthur's Ivory Thrones
- Arthur's O'on
- Arthur's Oven
- Arthur's Palace
- Arthur's Quoit
- Arthur's Seat
- Arthur's Stone
- Arthur's, Succession of
- Arthur's Table
- Arthur's Tomb
- Arthur's Tor
Avenging Lance
The name given in the Vulgate Cycle for the Bleeding Lance, an artifact from the Grail legends.