A member of the nobility. The title earl is Anglo-Saxon and is the same as the Scandinavian jarl ('chieftain'), they ruled their territories in a king's stead. During the medieval times, in Scandinavia, the title was replaced with hertig, duke, which later on became equivalent with Count on the Continent.
Earl of Angen
Cleges, a Knight of the Round Table was made Earl of Angen by Lancelot.
Earl of Bath
Urbgennius was the Earl of Bath under Arthur.
Earl of Boulogne
Earl of BurgundyLeodegar was the Earl of Boulogne or Burgundy under Arthur.
Earl of Caichester
Earl of ChesterCursalem was the Earl of Caichester or Chester under Arthur.
Earl of Cambenic
Escant was the Earl of Cambenic who in the beginning revolted against Arthur.
Earl of Canterbury
Duke of CanterburyKimmarc was the Duke or Earl of Canterbury under Arthur.
Earl of Dorset
Earl of DorchesterJonathal was the Earl of Dorset under Arthur.
Earl of Eastern Britain
Etlym Gleddyv Coch was a companion of Peredur.
Earl of Flandrisborg
Gorgun was the Earl of Flandrisborg under Arthur.
Earl of Guiltshire
Balluc was the Earl of Guiltshire under Arthur.
Earl of Hereford
Guerguint was the Earl of Hereford under Arthur.
Earl of Kent
Gorangon was the Earl of Kent in the time of Vortigern.
Earl of Leicester
Jugein was the Earl of Leicester under Arthur.
Earl of Oxford
Boso was the Earl of Oxford under Arthur. In Malory, his role is taken by Bors.
Earl of Pardiak
Sir Neroneus accompanied Lancelot into exile and was made Earl of Pardial. Nerovens de Lile could probably be identified with Neroneus.
Earl of Pase
The uncle of the Damsel of La Beale Regard.
Earl of Salisbury
Anaraut was a vassal of King Arthur. Galluc was another Earl of Salisbury.
Earl of Silchester
Baldulf was the Earl of Silchester under Arthur.
Earl of Spain
Hríngr was the Earl of Spain. Siguròr was the brother of Hríngr and is also said to be the Earl of Spain.
Earl of Surluse
Ulbawes was the Earl of Surluse under Arthur.
Earl of the Laundes
Lancelot made Bellangere (Bellengerus le Beuse) the Earl of the Laundes.
Earl of the Plains
Count of the Plains, Earl de Playns, Earl of PlainA nobleman who held a tournament. [See Count of the Plains]
Earl of Tréguier
Kimmarcoch was the Earl of Tréguier under Arthur. Layamon calls him Kinard of Striguil.
Earl of Vale
Count of the ValleyHe was in war against Aguarus (Agaran).
See also
Count of the Valley | The Legend of King Arthur
Chapel of the Conjuration | The Legend of King Arthur
Earl of Vera
Masade is the Earl of Vera under Arthur.
Earl of Warwick
Arthgal was the Earl of Warwick under Arthur. Artegall was another Earl of Warwick.
Earl of Winchester
Guerdon was the Earl of Winchester under Arthur.
Earl of Windsor
Count of WindsorHe rebelled against Arthur, but was defeated and then executed.