Glastonbury Zodiac

According to a theory which was advanced by Kathryn Maltwood in A Guide to Glastonbury's Temple of the Stars (1903), carved in the landscape around Glastonbury are giant figures, delineated by various markings which correspond to the signs of the Zodiac in the sky above them. Their outlines being delineated by such things as field edges, roads, streams, and so on.

Maltwood related these figures to episodes in the Grail Quest, Arthur himself being said to be represented by Sagittarius. The existence of the Zodiac has not won scholarly recognition, though the idea has a number of adherents.

See also
Glastonbury Abbey and Church | The Legend of King Arthur
Joseph of Arimathea in Glastonbury | The Legend of King Arthur
Glastonbury Thorn | The Legend of King Arthur
King Arthur and Guenevere's grave | The Legend of King Arthur
Glastonbury Tor | The Legend of King Arthur
Saint Collen | The Legend of King Arthur