Guenevere - The Flower Bride

In Gawaine and the Green Knight, it is stated the reason Morgan le Fay sent the Green Knight to Camelot was to frighten Guenevere. One reason given was because of an old rivalry, dating back to the beginning of Arthur's reign when Guenevere had banished one of Morgan's lovers from court.

Another reason is the representation of Guenevere and Morgan as two goddesses of very different aspect. Morgan, as her origin in the figure of Morrighan indicates, is a dark goddess and represents the powerful qualities of winter and warfare. On the other hand, Guenevere is called the Flower Bride, representing spring and the unfolding of life. As such, these two women are constantly in opposition. Lancelot, Guenevere's champion, becomes the bitter foe of Gawaine, who is Knight of the Goddess - Morgan's champion.

As the Flower Bride, myth calls for Guenevere to be stolen away by one of her suitors and then to be rescued by another representing shifting polarities with the change of seasons. An example of this role is told in the Life of Gildas, by Caradoc of Llancarfan. In this text, Melwas of the Summer Country carried off Guenevere and she was then rescued by Arthur. The abduction scene reappears in several stories where the kidnapper is Meliagraunce (Meleagaunce), a knight desirous of Guenevere. In this tale, the rescuer is Lancelot rather than Arthur.

See also
- Background of Guenevere / Guinevere
- Becoming a Queen
- The Invading Kings
- The Flower Bride
- Lancelot and Guenevere
- The Poisoned Apple
- The False Guenevere
- Abduction Stories
- Guenevere's Sentence
- The Abbess Queen
- The Character