Sagracinte, Saracinte, Sarrachinte, Sarracinte, Sarracuite, SarraquiteThe wife of King Evalach of Sarras (Mordrain) and the sister of Seraphe (Nascien).
As a child in Orberica, she was secretly baptized by Hermoine the Hermit. She aided Joseph of Arimathea and his party when they came to Sarras, for she wanted to see her husband and people converted to Christianity. Later, she joined Joseph and her husband in Britain.
The daughter of King Label of Persia.
She took the name in honor of Queen Sarrasinte of Sarras when she was baptized by Petrone. Fate brought her to Britain where she joined Joseph of Arimathea’s people.
She married Celidoine, Nascien’s son, became the Queen of North Wales, and gave birth to Narpus, an ancestor of Lancelot.