Items in the Arthurian Legends - L
Lance | Bleeding Lance, Longinus' Spear
One character and one item. [More]
- Lance Bearer, The - In the Grail procession.
- Lance of Longinus - A weapon.
Lancelot | Ancalot, Galahad, Galahos, Lanç, Lançarote, Lanceloet, Lancelos del Lac, Lancelott, etc.
Three characters, one item and one location. [More]
- Lancelot de la Blance Terre - Grandfather of Sir Lancelot.
- Lancelot of the Lake - A knight.
- Lancelot's "Foreign" Hosts - A vavasour.
- Lancelot's Ring - Given by a fairy.
- Lancelot's Tower - Near Gore.
Lapis Exillis | Lapsit Exillis
The name given to the Grail. [More]
Laudine | Analida, Alundyne, La Dame de Launduc
Three characters and one item. [More]
- Laudine of Landuc - The Lady of the Fountain.
- Laudine's Damsel- Unnamed lady.
- Laudine's Ring - A gift.
- Laudine's Seneschal and His Brothers - Advisor.
Llawfrodedd | Laufrodedd
A knife. [More]
Lay | Lai de Plors
Five items. [More]
- Lay - A song.
- Lay of Joy - A song.
- Lay of Tears - A story.
- Lay of Tears - A story.
- Lay of the Love Potion - A story.
Le | 'The Badly Cut Coat', 'The Forbidden Hill' | Le Tertre Desvoye, Le Tertre Devee
Three characters, three locations and one item. [More]
- Le - Knight of the Round Table.
- Le Brief - A scroll.
- Le Cote Male Tailée - Nickname given to Breunor.
- Le Mans - A city.
- Le Noir Chevalier Fae - A knight.
- Le Puis de Malohaut - A town.
- Le Tertre Deuee - A fortress.
Lit Merveile | Perilous Bed
A wondrous bed. See Perilous Bed
Llen Arthyr yng Nghernyw | Mantle of Arthur, Mantle of Invisibility
The veil of Arthur. [More]
Longinus | Avenging Spear, Bleeding Lance, la Lance Vengeresse, Longis, Longius Spear, etc.
One character and one item. [More]
- Longinus - A Roman centurion.
- Longinus' Spear - A weapon.
Love Potion
Tristan and Isolde accidentally drank this. [More]
Luin of Celtchar
A spear. [More]
One character and one item. [More]
- Lunette - A maidservant.
- Lunette's Ring - It made the wearer invisible.