
    1. Tradelmant
      Cardelmans, Cradlemont, Tradelinant, Tradelmans, Tradelynant, Tradilyvant, Tradilyvaunt

      The King of North Wales (Norgales) who, with other British kings, rebelled against the young Arthur. His brother was King Belinant of South Wales, and his nephews, Dodinel and Pollidamas, took service with Arthur.

      Arthur defeated Tradelmant and his allies at Caerleon and Bedegraine, after which a Saxon invasion forced the rebellious kings to abandon their revolt and return to their lands. Tradelmant opposed the Saxons at Arundel, Clarence, and other battles.

      Later, he reconciled with Arthur to expel the invaders, and the Saxons were crushed at Clarence. He further assisted Arthur in the wars against King Rions (Ryons) and Rome. His daughter was loved by Agravain.

      See also
      Cradelmas | The Legend of King Arthur

    2. Tradelmant

      Godson of King Tradelmans, after whom he was named. He fought unsuccessfully to win Sir Evadeam's lady, Byanne.

See also
Tradelmans | The Legend of King Arthur