
    1. Mathamas

      The lord of a tower near the Fairies’ Fountain. Mathamas hated Arthur.

      While adventuring in the forest with Guinevere, Dodinel and Sagremor (Sagramore) embarked on a quest to procure some rations from Mathamas. Dodinel was diverted along the way, but Sagremor entered Mathamas’s hall and boldly demanded food. Mathamas responded by ordering his knights to attack Sagremor, and after a exhausting battle, Sagremor was imprisoned.

      Mathamas’s daughter kept Sagremor from starving until Gawain showed up, defeated Mathamas, and forced him to release Sagremor.

      He is probably identical with Mathamas du Recet (below).

    2. Mathamas

      A king of the Saxons.

    3. Mathamas du Recet

      A knight who joined Arthur’s forces against the Saxons at Vambieres.