Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Knight of the Dragon

Two entries with the name Knight of the Dragon.

Knight of the Dragon

An alias for Sir Segurant the Brown, a great knight of Uther’s court, who pursued a dragon throughout his career.

He was also sometimes known as the Knight of the Old Table.

Palamedes | c. 1240

Knight of the Dragon

A fearsome warrior in the Fourth Continuation of Perceval, almost identical to the Knight of the Burning Dragon in Perlesvaus. The Knight of the Dragon ruled a city of pagans in the Islands of the Sea.

His name reflected the dragon’s head which was attached to the front of his shield. At the Knight’s command, the head would breathe fire and scorch the Knight’s opponents. In this manner, the Knight killed the lover of the lady Claire. Perceval met Claire and learned the circumstances of her lover’s death. Perceval tracked down the Knight of the Dragon, who was besieging the city of Montesclaire. Mortally wounded in the subsequent combat, the Knight of the Dragon allowed Perceval to baptize him before he died.

Fourth Continuation of Chrétien’s Perceval | Gerbert de Montreuil, c. 1230