Caladoines, Ladamas, Landamas, Landoines, Lidomas, Lodomas
A British knight, son of ‘le seignor des Mares’ (Mares).
Ladomas accidentally laid down in the same bed as his cousin’s lady. His cousin, Guinas of Blakestan, found him there and wounded him badly in an ensuing skirmish. Arthur’s Sir Hector of the Fens defeated Guinas and made him reconcile with Ladomas.
Hector had unknowingly killed Ladomas’s brother Mataliz while defending Mataliz’s enemy. When Ladomas discovered this, he let Hector go to repay him for his service with Guinas, but warned him that they would fight if they met again.
Lancelot do Lac | 1215-1220
Vulgate Lancelot | 1215-1230