“Great Queen,” “Phantom Queen”
Morrigan, Mórrighan
The Mórrígan is a figure from Irish mythology who is often referred to as a goddess of battle, strife, and sovereignty, typically depicted as a powerful and unpredictable figure.

In Irish mythology, the Mórrígan is associated with the Tuatha Dé Danann, a group of supernatural beings who are said to have inhabited Ireland before the arrival of humans. She is often depicted as a shape-shifter who can take on the form of a crow or raven, and is also associated with other creatures such as wolves and eels.
The Mórrígan is often associated with the battlefield and is said to appear to warriors before and during battle, offering them guidance and prophecy.
The Mórrígan is a complex and multifaceted figure in Irish mythology, and her exact role and significance varies depending on the source and the context. She is a figure of power and mystery, embodying the dark and primal forces of nature and the supernatural world.
While there are no definitive proof of a direct connection between the Mórrígan and the Arthurian legends, the similarities and parallels between the two traditions suggest that there may have been some cross-influence or borrowing of motifs and themes. For example, both the Mórrígan and the Lady of the Lake are associated with bodies of water and have been depicted as shape-shifters who can take on various forms. Additionally, both figures have been associated with sovereignty and the power to grant or withhold it.
It has been suggested that the Mórrígan may have influenced the character of Morgan le Fay in the Arthurian legends. Morgan le Fay is a powerful sorceress and half-sister to King Arthur, and is often depicted as a complex and ambiguous figure with both positive and negative qualities. Like the Mórrígan, she is associated with magic and the supernatural, and is sometimes depicted as a shape-shifter or a figure of power and mystery.
See also
Morgen | The Legend of King Arthur
Image credits
Morrigan | Artist: Unknown