Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Two entries with the name Devon.


This warrior is mentioned in the court list of Culhwch. He is identified as

the ninth man that rallied the battle of Camlan.

See also
Camlann | The Legend of King Arthur

Culhwch and Olwen | Late 11th century


Devon is a county located in the southwest of England, and is one of the largest counties in the country. Devon is usually included within Arthur’s realm.

In Welsh legend, Gwynn Hyfar is given as steward of Devon and Cornwall for Arthur. Geraint is also named as its king. Layamon says it was conquered in the early days of Arthur’s reign by Cheldric the Saxon, but Arthur liberated it. In Tennyson, it is the homeland of Geraint.

Devon | 400-600 AD

At the beginning of this period, Britain was still under Roman rule, but Roman influence began to wane. In 410 AD, the Roman legions were withdrawn from Britain by Emperor Honorius, marking the end of direct Roman governance. Devon was home to Celtic tribes before and during the Roman occupation. With the departure of Roman forces, these native Celtic peoples continued to live in the region.

After the Roman withdrawal, various Germanic tribes, including the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes, began migrating to Britain from regions that are now part of modern-day Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands. They gradually settled along the eastern and southern coasts of Britain, including parts of Devon. The arrival of Germanic tribes led to the establishment of Anglo-Saxon kingdoms across Britain, including in Devon. These kingdoms were ruled by chieftains and leaders from the invading Germanic tribes.

One significant event that may have occurred during this period is the Battle of Mons Badonicus, which is traditionally associated with the legendary King Arthur. The exact location and date of this battle are uncertain, but it is believed to have taken place in the late fifth or early sixth century and resulted in a British victory against the invading Anglo-Saxons.

The native Celtic Britons, who were not assimilated by the invading Anglo-Saxons, continued to resist the Germanic influence and maintain their distinct cultural identity.

See also
Bristol | The Legend of King Arthur

Culhwch and Olwen | Late 11th century
Brut | Layamon, late 12th century to mid-13th century
Idylls of the King | Lord Alfred Tennyson, 1859-1886