Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


The Gaels were a Celtic people who migrated from Ireland to Scotland in the fifth century AD. They brought with them their language, culture, and religion, which had a profound impact on the development of Scottish society.

The Gaels established the kingdom of Dál Riata in the west of Scotland, which eventually grew to include Argyll, the Isle of Man, and poarts of Northern Ireland. Dál Riata was a powerful kingdom, and it played an important role in the defense of Scotland against the Picts and Vikings.

They were also skilled farmers and warriors. They developed a distinctive culture that was influenced by both Irish and Scottish traditions. Their language, known as Gaelic, is still spoken today by millions of people around the world. The Gaels were the first people to unite the western and eastern parts of Scotland, and they laid the foundations for the modern Scottish nation.

During the period 400-550 AD they were a seafaring people who often raided the coasts of Britain and Ireland. They were a pagan people, but they eventually converted to Christianity.