Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Carrick is an ancient district in South Ayrshire, in the southwestern part of Scotland.

It originally belonged to Sir Galleron, but Arthur annexed it and gave it to Gawaine. Galleron arrived at a feast and challenged Gawaine for ownership of the land. The fight ended in a draw, but Gawaine graciously returned the country to Galleron anyway.

Carrick | 0 to the 9th century AD

Celtic Inhabitants
In the early centuries AD, the area that is now Scotland was inhabited by Celtic peoples. These tribes and clans had their own distinct cultures and were often organized into small kingdoms or chiefdoms.

Roman Influence | 1st – 5th centuries
The southern part of what is now Scotland experienced Roman influence during the Roman Empire’s expansion into Britain. However, the Roman presence in Scotland was limited, and the northern areas remained beyond the Roman frontier.

Post-Roman Period | 5th – 9th centuries
After the withdrawal of Roman legions from Britain in the early fifth century, various kingdoms and chiefdoms emerged in Scotland. These were often governed by local chieftains or tribal leaders.

Kingdom of Strathclyde
The Kingdom of Strathclyde was a significant political entity in the broader region during the early medieval period.

Celtic Christianity
In the sixth century, Celtic Christianity began to spread in Scotland and the process of early Christianization in the area is well-documented. Figures like Saint Ninian and Saint Kentigern played vital roles in spreading Christianity. The presence of early Christian stone crosses and carved stones is indeed indicative of the establishment of Christian communities and religious sites.

Kingdom of Dalriada
By the sixth and seventh centuries, the Kingdom of Dalriada emerged in the western part of Scotland, encompassing areas that would later include Carrick. This kingdom had Gaelic-speaking inhabitants and was influenced by both Irish and Pictish cultures.

Viking Invasions | 8th – 9th centuries
Viking raids and invasions, particularly along the coastal areas, became more prevalent in the eighth and ninth centuries. These Norse incursions had an impact on local politics and the distribution of power.

Influences from Neighboring Cultures
The interaction with neighboring kingdoms and cultures, such as the Picts and later the Angles and Vikings, would have shaped the political and cultural landscape of Carrick and its surroundings.

The Awntyrs off Arthure at the Terne Wathelyn | Late 14th century