Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Dunfermline is a historic town located in Fife, Scotland.

Sir Fergus, one of King Arthur’s knights, visited Dunfermline during his travels.

Dunfermline | 0 to the 9th century AD

Prehistoric Period
The area around Dunfermline likely had prehistoric settlements, but specific details are often conjectural. Archaeological eivdence suggests human activity in the region during the Bronze Age and Iron Age.

Roman Period | 1st – 4th centuries
Dunfermline falls within the broader context of Roman Britain, and the Romans had a presence in southern and central Scotland during their occupation. Roman influence may have reached the Dunfermline region, but the exact extent and nature of this influence are not well-documented.

Dunfermline’s location along the banks of the Firth of Forth and its proximity to natural resources would have made it an attractive area for settlement during this time. The town may have served as a center for local trade and agriculture.

Early Medieval Period | 5th – 9th centuries
The transition from Roman Britain to the early medieval period saw the emergence of various Celtic and Pictish kingdoms in Scotland. Dunfermline was likely part of the Pictish territory during this time. The Picts were a Celtic-speaking people who inhabited parts of northern and eastern Scotland.

The spread of Christianity in Scotland began during the early medieval period. Missionaries, including those associated with figures like St. Ninian and St. Columba, played a role in converting the Picts to Christianity. While specific details about the Christianization of Dunfermline are not well-documented, it is likely that Christian communities and churches began to emerge in the area.

Viking Raids | 8th – 9th centuries
Coastal areas, including Dunfermline, were susceptible to Viking raids during the eighth and ninth centuries. Norse seafarers targeted monasteries, towns, and settlements along the Scottish coast. The presence of the Vikings contributed to the complex political and cultural interactions in the region.

See also
The Roman Empire | The Legend of King Arthur