Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Maen Arthur

Arthur’s Stone

There are several standing stones in the British Isles sharing the name Arthur’s Stone and Maen Arthur, often associated with myths, legends, and historical significance.

Maen Arthur | Anglesey, Wales
There is a stone circle on Anglesey, an island in North Wales, known as Maen Arthur. The circle consists of large standing stones, and it is also connected to Arthurian legends, although the specifics of the legend may vary.

Maen Arthur | Caerhun, Conwy, Wales
Another Maen Arthur can be found near the village of Caerhun in Conwy, North Wales. It is a single standing stone with associations to King Arthur and local folklore.

Maen Arthur | Cornwall
There is a standing stone called Maen Arthur located near the village of Gwendreath in Cornwall. This stone is associated with King Arthur and local legends about his activities in the area. It is part of the rish Arthurian folklore in Cornwall.

Maen Arthur | Flintshire, Wales
The stone is a large upright monolith, standing at a height of approximately 3 meters (around 10 feet). It is a single standing stone and does not appear to be part of a larger stone circle or monument.

The name “Maen Arthur” is believed to be derived from local folklore and legend. The stone is associated with King Arthur. Some local folklore suggests that it was thrown by Arthur from the nearby Clwydian Range as a projectile during a battle. Another folklore says there were a hollow in it where Arthur’s horse had stepped.

Maen Arthur | Gower Peninsula, Wales
On the Gower Peninsula in Wales, there is another stone known as Maen Arthur, also associated with the Arthurian legend. This stone is said to mark the spot where King Arthur once rested or sat.

Another stone called Maen Arthur is in Maen Arthur Wood near Llanafan (Dyfed).

Maen means a stone. The word maenor, which meant a division of land marked by stones, derived from maen.