Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Argodras li Rous

‘Argodras the Red’
Argodras, Argois, Argondras, Argonides

A knight who served King Bagdemagus of Gorre.

He arrived at Arthur’s court and accused Lancelot of murdering Meleagant (Meleagaunce), Bagdemgaus’s son. He declared that Lancelot will be ready to prove his charge

the Monday, in the month of Magdalaine.

Lancelot protested that Meleagant had been killed in a fair fight, but he agreed to meet Argodras in combat at Windesant, Bagdemagus’s court.

The fight went poorly for Argodras, and he was eventually killed.

Vulgate Lancelot | 1215-1230