Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Gorvain Cadrut

Agornain et Cadrus, Cadrus, Gernan, Gornain Cadrus, Gornains Cadrus, Gornains Cadruz, Gornenis, Goruain Cadruc, Gosonains, Gosnains, Gosnayns Cadrus

In Raoul de Houdenc’s Meraugis de Portlesguez, one of two knights who loved a beautiful maiden named Lidoine. Gorvain Cadrut loved her for her beauty, in contrast to Meraugis, who loved Lidoine for her courtesy. Queen Guinevere and a court of maidens decided the matter in favor of Meraugis. Gorvain Cadrut subsequently left Arthur’s court in a rage, but he eventually reconciled with Meraugis.

In Hunbaut, Gorvain becomes a Knight of the Round Table after he kidnaps Gawain’s sister, is defeated by Gawain, and is sent to Arthur’s court as a prisoner.

He appears in the Vulgate Merlin as a knight who fights in Arthur’s battles against King Rions (Ryons) at Carmelide. He slew the Saxon warrior Dorilas at the battle of Carhaix. The Livre d’Artus adds further battles to Gorvain’s credit, including the defense of the Waste Land against AgrippeArthour and Merlin splits his character into two warriors: Gornain and Craddoc.

A Welsh Arthurian warrior named Gwrvan may be Gorvain’s origin. His surname suggests the Welsh cadrauc, meaning ‘strong’.

Meraugis de Portlesquez | Raoul de Houdenc, early 13th century
Vulgate Merlin | 1220-1235
Le Livre d’Artus | Early 13th century
Hunbaut | 13th century
Arthour and Merlin | Late 13th century