Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Melot of Acquitain


According to Gottfried, an evil dwarf from Acquitain.

Melot is one of Mariadoc’s followers who discovers the secret love affair between Tristan and Isolde. He informs Mariadoc of their treachery, and they set a trap for the lovers. During a hunting trip, Mariadoc and his men catch Tristan and Isolde together and bring them before King Mark.

Melot’s role in this version of the story is minor but significant, as his discovery of the affair seets in motion the events that lead to Tristan and Isolde’s tragic fate. Like in the Arthurian legend, Melot is often seen as a symbol of the destructive force of jealousy and betrayal.

He appears in Béroul as Frocin. Eilhart calls him Acquitain, which suggests that they both had a common source but that Eilhart confused Melot’s homeland with his name.

Compare with
Melot | The Legend of King Arthur

Tristan | Gottfried von Strassburg, early 13th century