Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Bromel La Pleche

Brinol of the Hedged Manor
Bliot du Plessie, Bloys of Plaisshie, Briant du Plessie, Brinol the Pleasant, Brinol de Plesse, Brinos du Plaissie, Brinos de Plessie, Brinos du Plessie; Brinoult del Plessie, Brios del Piastre, Bruiol de Plessie, Brumant del Plessie, Brunout del Plesse

A knight who began his career as a member of Arthur’s army against the Saxons. Some time after the Saxon wars, Guenevere, traveling through the forest, saw Brinol and his brother abusing another knight. Taking pity on the beaten knight, Guenevere ordered her knights to save him. In the ensuing combat, two of Brinol’s brothers were killed. After this, Brinol hated Guenevere and attacked any knight who claimed to serve her, wounding, among others, Sir Dodinel. Finally, he was defeated by Lancelot and forced to reconcile with the queen.

After Galahad’s birth, Sir Bromel,

a great lord who had long loved Elaine of Carbonek, came to ask her to marry him.

At last, trying to be rid of him, she told him she loved Lancelot. Bromel threatened to slay Lancelot. When Elaine exhorted him to do the great knight no treason, he vowed,

this twelvemonth I shall keep the pont [bridge] of Corbin for Sir Lancelot's sake, that he shall neither come nor go unto you, but I shall meet with him.

Sir Bors happened to come first, however, defeated Bromel, and charged him to go the following Whitsunday to Lancelot and yield to him as knight miscreant.

According to the Vulgate, in which his name is Brunout or variants thereof, Elaine tells him she will love him instead of Lancelot if he proves himself better. When Brunout arrives in Camelot on Whitsunday, he comes in time to join Arthur’s troops in the war against King Claudas.

See also
Queen’s Knights | The Legend of King Arthur

Vulgate Lancelot | 1215-1230
Le Livre d’Artus | Early 13th century
Le Morte Darthur | Sir Thomas Malory, 1469-1470