Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Cynyr Ceinfarfog

‘Cynyr Fair Beard’
Kynyr Keinvarvawc

One of Arthur’s warriors in Welsh legends. He is named as the father of Cei, a status transferred to Antor (Ector) in French romance. When he found that his wife was pregnant, he made a number of predictions about the marvelous powers Cei would possess, as well as his stubborn disposition. His predictions proved to be accurate.

Cynyr Ceinfarfog, born c. 480, ruled the kingdom of Dyfed in Wales, lord of Caer Goch. Regarding the time of his birth he may have been a Roman citizen. He is said to have married twice:

  1. Sefin
    Princess and daughter of Saint Brychan, king of Brycheiniog.
  2. Anna
    Daughter of Vortimer.

He was the father of Saint Non, who was the mother of Saint David of Wales; and Saint Wenna, mother of Saint Cybi.

See also
Kay | The Legend of King Arthur

Culhwch and Olwen | Late 11th century
The Mammoth Book of King Arthur | Mike Ashley, 2011
Cynyr Ceinfarfog, Lord of Caer Goch |, 2005