Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Moel Arthur

Moel Arthur is a prominent hill and archeological site located in North Wales. An ancient hillfort is located on its summit, believed to date back to the Iron Age, making it over 2,000 years old.

According to legend, King Arthur’s Table was situated here. The hillfort might have been in use during the time period of Arthur. This hill is also a contender of being the site of the Battle of Camlann.

A legend states that there is an iron chest buried on the hill. The location is haunted by an unearthly ball of light, which sometimes appear to lead treasure hunters. When the site is reached, a violent storm will spring up and drive the raiders away.

This hill is situated near Glyn Arthur. A survey of 1737 mentions Cist Arthur, a burial chamber, possbily thought to be Arthur’s last resting place.

Moel signifies a bald, conical hill (when used as a substantive). Dyn penfoel, a bald-headed man. In old times it was used as a surname – such as Howell, “the bald-headed.” Examples of names is Moylisker (in Westmoreland) which is a corrupted form of Moel-esgair, “bare ridge;” Malvern is a contradiction of Moel-y-fam, “hill of judgement.” The Irish form is moyle.

See also
Bwrdd Arthur | The Legend of King Arthur
Penbedw | The Legend of King Arthur