NIGHTBRINGER | The Arthurian Encyclopedia



There are several mentions about squires in the romances, here are a few from Sommer’s list.

  • Escuier
    He summons Hector to help Sinados.
  • Escuier
    He leads Hector astray, and rides off on his horse, while he is enjoying bread and water.
  • Escuier
    Brother of Lancelot’s host, who accidentally killed Atramont’s brother.
  • Escuier
    In La Forest Perdue.
  • Escuier
    Through whom the Queen’s cousin learned that good news had been received of Lancelot.

See also
Escuier de Guinas | The Legend of King Arthur
Escuier de Perse | The Legend of King Arthur
Escuier with the Sword | The Legend of King Arthur