Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Continuous updates

I am done with the updates of the entries regarding Arthurian Characters and Items. It takes time and I find more characters and events mentioned that I want to investigate further. The next step is updates of Arthurian Locations.

In April 2021 I had surgery for breast cancer. Now, exactly two years later, I discovered a new lump in the operated breast, which turned out to be cancer. On June 1st I started chemotherapy, which will last until mid-September. This is followed by treatment with radiotherapy in October.

For the rest of this year I will work with Nightbringer and answer e-mails when health permits. My sister Jessica has been involved with Nightbringer since its inception in the 1990s. She helps me when she has time with relinking, adding sources and other things. It’s really appreciated!

Don’t hesitate to send me a message, I’m always happy to hear from my visitors!

All my best,

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