
  1. Gromer

    A knight who, by magic, was made to resemble a Turk.

    In The Turke and Sir Gawain, a later verse romance (c. 1500), Gromer, bewitched into the form of a "turke", or churl, shows up at Arthur’s court and challenges one of the assembly to an exchange of blows.

    After delivering one to Gawain, he asks to postpone the reciprocal strike. The turke then leads Gawain on a series of spectacular adventures, culminating in a visit to the Isle of Man, where Gawain, with the turke’s help, slays the pagan king and his giant attendants. The turke then asks Gawain to behead him, which results in his rebirth in the form of Gromer, a Christian knight. In the denouement, Arthur appoints Gromer the King of Man.

    See also
    Magic | The Crypt

  2. Gromer Somer Joure
    Grim Baron of Castle Hewin, Gromerson Erioure, Grommer Grummerson, Gromore Somir Joure

    While hunting alone in Inglewood in Scotland, Arthur once fell into the power of Sir Gromer Somer Joure, who threatened to take vengeance because, Gromer claimed, Arthur had wrongfully given some of his lands to Gawain. Gromer finally agreed to let Arthur go for a year, on Arthur's parole to return at the end of that time prepared to meet his death if he could not answer the question, "What is it that women most desire?"

    Arthur got the answer from Dame Ragnell, who turned out to be Gromer's sister; as soon as Gromer heard it, he cursed Ragnell as the only one who could have taught it to the King.

    The Wedding of Sir Gawaine and Dame Ragnell, the source of the above information, leaves the impression that Arthur and Gromer parted enemies, the King vowed never to fall into Gromer's power again. Malory, however, includes Gromer as a Knight of the Round Table, and mentions "Gromore Somir Joure" as one of the knights who accompanied Mordred and Agravaine in their attempt to trap Lancelot with the Queen, and who were killed during Lancelot's escape. All these knights

    were of Scotland, outher of Sir Gawaine's kin, either well-willers to his brethren.

    This suggests that somewhere along the line Gromer became reconciled with Arthur and Gawain and joined Arthur's court, possibly as a companion of the Round Table.

    Glennie refers to the basic story, calling Gromer only "The Grim Baron of Castle Hewin" and Ragnell only "The Foule Ladye", and pinpointing Arthur's meeting with the Grim Baron at Tarn Wadling in Inglewood.