Items in the Arthurian Legends - M
Four items and one event. [More]
- Magic Boar's Head - Named in a child ballad.
- Magic Chessboard - Gwenbaus made it.
- Magic Dance - An enchantment.
- Magic Gold Horn - Named in a child ballad.
- Magic Mantle - Named in a child ballad.
One character and one item. [More]
- Maledisant - A damsel.
- Maledisant's Shield - A shield.
Mantell | Gwenn
A robe. [More]
Mantle | Mantle of Arthur, Llen Arthyr yng Ngernyw
Two items. [More]
- Mantle(s) - Used often for chastity tests.
- Mantle of Invisibility - A cloak.
Marmyadose | Marandois, Marandoise, Marmiadoise, Marmydoyse, Marundois
A sword. [More]
One location and one item. [More]
- Marvelous Ball - A hill.
- Marvelous Stone - Used by Yvain.
Memory of Blood | Memoire de Sanc, Mover of Blood
A scabbard. [More]
Merlin | Bryn Myrddin, Marlyn, Melior, Mellin, Mellins, Merdhin, Merlin Ambrosius, etc.
One character, four items and fifteen locations. [More]
- Merlin - The bard, enchanter...
- Merlin's Bed - It caused madness.
- Merlin's Cave - Said to be haunted.
- Merlin, Castel - Castle.
- Merlin's Castle - A castle.
- Merlin's Hill - Merlin's birthplace.
- Merlin's Hill Cave - Burial place.
- Merlin's Island - Or Island of Marvels.
- Merlin's Mount - Burial place.
- Merlin's Precinct - A name for Britain.
- "Merlin's Rock" - Cornwall.
- Merlin's Songs - A collection.
- Merlin's Spring - In Brittany.
- Merlin's Stone - Which the Sword in the Stone were placed.
- Merlin's Stones - Six stones in Britain.
- Merlin's Tomb - Burial place.
- Merlin's Tower - Two locations.
- Merlin's Treasure - Hidden in a cave.
- Merlin's Tree - In Carmarthen.
- Merlin's Wilderness - A forest.
Modrwy Eluned
The ring of Eluned. [More]
Three units of currency. [More]
Mont | 'Mountain of the Cat', 'Cat Mountain' | Molait, Mont Lair, Mouloir
Three locations, one item and one character. [More]
- Mont du Chat - A site in the Alps.
- Mont Loir - A castle.
- Mont St. Michel - A hill.
- Mont St. Michel, Coat of the Giant of - A coat
- Mont St. Michel, Giant of - A Spanish giant.
Morgan Le Fay | 'Morgan the Fairy' |
Feimurgan, Marguel, Morgain, Morgaine, Morgana, Morganna, etc.
Two characters, two locations and six items. [More]
- Morgan Le Fay - Arthur's halfsister and a necromancer.
- Morgan's Castle
- Morgan's Chapel
- Morgan's Damsel and Mantle
- Morgan's Drinking Horn
- Morgan's Ointment(s)
- Morgan's Powder
- Morgan's Ring
- Morgan's Shield
Mortal | Marte
One location and one item. [More]
- Mortal - A castle.
- Mortal Lay - Composed by Tristan.
Mwys Gwyddno
A hamper or basket. [More]