Castel del Trespas
le Chastel du Trespas
Here Ywaine was imprisoned until the rampagin giant Mauduit should come to fight him. Probably it was not too far from the Castle de la Blanche Espine.
If Warbelow Barrow were identified with Blanche Espine, then the Castel del Trespas might be Arthur's Hall.
Arthur's Hall is in Cornwall, about midway between Camelford and Bodmin. Glennie mentions it as a "little entrenchment" not far from Camelford. Norden amplifies the description:
It is a square plott about 60 foote longe and about 35 foote broad, situated on a playne Mountayne, wrowghte some 3 foote into the grounde; and by reason of the depression of the place, ther standeth a stange or Poole of water, the place sett rounde about with flatt stones...
Camelford is about a third of the way from Tintagil to Launceston, or some three to four miles.