Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Battle of Colchester

After the victory at Epsford, Vortimer is said to have led his forces to Colchester, where they engaged the Saxons in another significant battle.

Colchester, in Essex, was an important Roman town and a strategic location during the Arthurian period.

The best-documented conflict in the Colchester region is the Battle of Maldon in 991. While the battle itself did not take place within Colchester, it occured nearby Essex and involved Anglo-Saxon and Viking forces.

See also
Cadbury Castle | The Legend of King Arthur
Caerlaverlock | The Legend of King Arthur
Caerleon | The Legend of King Arthur
Caerliudcoit | The Legend of King Arthur
Camelot | The Legend of King Arthur
Claudius | The Legend of King Arthur