Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Æthelfrith of Bernicia

Aethelfrith of Bernicia

Æthelfrith was a significant figure in the history of Bernicia, playing a key role in its political and military affairs during the early medieval period. He was a king of Bernicia and later became the king of a united Northumbria.

Æthelfrith was the grandson of King Ida and came to power in Bernicia in the early seventh century, succeeding his father Æthelric as king. Æthelfrith was known for his military prowess and engaged in several campaigns to expand the territorial influence of Bernicia. He faced military challenges from neighboring kingdoms, including the Brythonic kingdom of Rheged and the Anglian kingdom of Deira.

Battle of Degsastan | 603
One of Æthelfrith’s notable battles was the Battle of Degsastan in 603 AD. The outcome of the battle is not entirely clear, but it is believed to have secured Æthelfrith’s control over the region.

Battle of Chester | 604
In 604, Æthelfrith faced the combined forces of the Welsh king Brochwel Ysgithrog and the Mercian king Cearl at the Battle of Chester. Æthelfrith emerged victorious in this battle, securing his influence in the region.

Relations with Deira
Æthelfrith’s reign was marked by complex relations with the neighboring kingdom of Deira. He married Acha, the daughter of Ælla, the king of Deira, which intially brought a degree of unity between the two kingdoms. Æthelfrith’s rise to power in Deira resulted in the exile of Edwin, who would later become a significant figure in Northumbrian history.

Relations with Christianity
Æthelfrith reign saw interactions with early Christian missionaries, including Saint Augustine of Canterbury. He is said to have been resistant to Christian conversion initially, but later generations of Northumbrian rulers, including his son Oswald, embraced Christianity.

Battle of the River Idle | c. 616
Around the year 616, Æthelfrith engaged in a battle against Edwin of Deira near the River Idle. Edwin’s forces defeated Æthelfrith, leading to Æthelfrith’s death in the conflict.

Æthelfrith’s sons – Edwin and Oswald
After Æthelfrith’s death, his sons Edwin and Oswald intially went into exile, due to political turmoil. Edwin, the elder son of Æthelfrith, spent a portion of his exile at the court of King Raedwald of the East Angles. With the support of Raedwald, Edwin eventually returned to Northumbria and reclaimed the throne. His reign is often considered one of the high points in the history of Northumbria. Edwin’s reign included the conversion of Northumbria to Christianity under the influence of the mission led by Paulinus, a follower of Augustine of Canterbury. He expanded his rule, bringing together both Bernicia and Deira, and became the first King of Northumbria.

Oswald, the younger son of Æthelfrith, sought refuge on the island of Iona, which had a renowned Christian monastery. Oswald returned to Northumbria and reclaimed the throne, succeeding his brother Edwin. He played a crucial role in the spread of Christianity in Northumbria and invited the Irish monk Aidan to establish the monastery of Lindisfarne. Oswald is best known for his victory over Cadwallon ap Cadfan, the King of Gwynedd, at the Battle of Heavenfield in 634. Despite his success, Oswald was killed in the Battle of Maserfield in 642, fighting against the forces of Penda of Mercia.

See also
Arthur of Dál Riada | The Legend of King Arthur
Mercia | The Legend of King Arthur