Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Agravadain des Vaus des Galoire

“Agravadain of the Vales of Galore”
Adragan(?); Gravadain du Chastel Fort, Gravadain des Vaus de Galore; Agravadain des Vals de Galore, Agravadain des Vals de Galone

A Knight of the Round Table and brother of Belias.

His companions were Moneval and Minoras the Wicked. The trio took a friendly rivalry between the Round Table and the Queen’s Knights too far, and they deliberately sought out three Queen’s Knights to attack. Agravadain was wounded by Sagremor (Sagramore) in the battle, but other knights fortunately intervened before any lives were lost. He died soon afterwards, and was replaced at the Round Table by Banin

He is said to have been the castellan of the castle Des MaresMerlin caused King Ban to sleep with Agravadain’s daughter, the Damsel des Mares, while on a visit. This coupling resulted in Sir Ector de Maris.

After Agravadain’s death, his son became castellan of Des Mares.

Galore may indicate Galloway.

Vulgate Lancelot | 1215-1230
Vulgate Merlin | 1220-1235
Le Livre d’Artus | Early 13th century