Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Four entries with the name Alain.


Perceval’s cousin in Perlesvaus.

The son of Elinant of Escavalon, Alain was slain by the demonic Knight of the Burning Dragon.

His embalmed body was carted around by a maiden, searching for someone to avenge him. Perceval accepted the challenge and slew the fierce knight, but not before the knight blasted Alain’s body to ashes with his enchanted shield.

A near identical story is told of the unnamed lover of Claire in the Fourth Continuation of Chrétien’s Perceval.

Perlevaus | Early 13th century



Brother of Drian and, consequently, son of Pellinore and brother of Perceval, Aglovale, Lamorat, and Tor.

With his brother Drian, he guarded a tower next to a bridge and made it a custom to joust with any knight who passed that way. He defeated Dinadan in this manner.

Alain appears only once in the Prose Tristan. Malory includes him as the brother of ‘Tryan’, apparently not making the connection between Alain and Pellinore’s family.

Prose Tristan | 1230-1240
Le Morte Darthur | Sir Thomas Malory, 1469-1470


A knight who fought with his brother, Davis. Arthur’s knights Claris, Laris and Bedivere found them fighting and forced them to reconcile.

Claris et Laris | 1268


The nephew of Yonet, the servant of Kay’s wife Andrivette (Andrivete).

Alain is also given as Yonet’s surname.

Escanor | Girart D’Amiens, c. 1280