Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Two entries with the name Amant.



A king who gave all his lands to a noblewoman, but stripped her of them when he discovered her evil nature. Amant then bestowed the realms on the evil woman’s maiden sister.

When Amant died, his first beneficiary made war on his second. The evil woman’s champion, Priadan the Black, was defeated during the Grail Quest by Sir Bors.

See also
Amans | The Legend of King Arthur

Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal | 1215-1230
Le Morte Darthur | Sir Thomas Malory, 1469-1470



A Cornish knight who accompanied King Mark on an expedition to Camelot, learning on the way that the purpose of the trip was to kill Tristan. Upon hearing this, Amant and his companion, Berluse, refused to continue. Mark killed Berluse and Amant threatened to go to Arthur and accuse Mark of treason. Since Mark could not just defeat Amant and the two squires of the knights, Mark said,

An thou appeach me of treason I shall thereof defend me afore King Arthur; but I require thee that thou tell not my name.

Sir Amant agreed and allowed Mark to depart for the nonce, while he and the squires buried Berluse. When the trial by combat came,

by misdadventure Mark smote Amant through the body. And yet was Amant in the righteous quarrel.

Mart got away from there in a hurry.

Then were there maidens that La Beale Isoud had sent to Sir Tristram, that knew Sir Amant well. Then by the license of King Arthur they went to him and spake with him; for while the truncheon of the spear stuck in his body he spake: Ah, fair damosels, said Amant, recommend me unto La Beale Isoud, and tell her that I am slain for the love of her and of Sir Tristram… and all was because Sir Bersules [Berluse] and I would not consent by treason to slay the noble knight, Sir Tristram… [And] when Sir Tristram knew all the matter he made great dole and sorrow out of measure, and wept for sorrow for the loss of the noble knights, Sir Bersules and Sir Amant.

Prose Tristan | 1230-1240
Le Morte Darthur | Sir Thomas Malory, 1469-1470