Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Welsh: ‘Silver wheel’
Aranrhod, Arianrhod

An important Celtic goddess and a figure in Welsh mythology, featured in the Mabinogion.

Her mother is the Welsh mother goddess Dôn, and her brothers are Gwydion and Gilfaethwy. The Triads names her father Beli Mawr.

Her association with Arthurian legend is confined to the fact that she is described as the ruler of Caer Siddi, an idyllic realm, to which King Arthur and his party were said to have travelled during their expedition to the Otherworld to capture a magical cauldron.

It has also been suggested that her name gave rise to Argante, the elfin Queen of Avalon.

See also
Annwfn | The Legend of King Arthur
Cauldron | The Legend of King Arthur
Elves | The Legend of King Arthur
Elves | Myths and Legends