Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Black Knight

Thirteen entries with the name Black Knight.

Common throughout Arthurian and medieval romance, the Black Knight was not always the villain of popular conception.

Black Knight

An evil warrior who inhabited the White Forest and guarded the glade around the Chapel of St. Augustine. He killed Arthur’s squire, Cahus, and was himself slain by Arthur.

Perlesvaus | Early 13th century

Black Knight

A knight defeated by Perceval at a tomb.

See also
Knight of the Tomb | The Legend of King Arthur

Second Continuation of Chrétien’s Perceval | Attributed to Gauchier of Donaing, c. 1200
Didot-Perceval | c. 1220-1230

Black Knight

The alias of Maduk the Black.

La Vengeance Raguidel | Raoul, possibly Raoul de Houdenc, early 13th century

Black Knight

A mighty lord who inhabited Mount Nouquestran (or the Black Mountain) in Scotland, and who guarded a magic horn and wimple on an ivory lion.

When the young Fergus arrived at Arthur’s court, Kay sarcastically suggested that Fergus defeat the Black Knight for his first quest, and Fergus surprised everyone – and humiliated Kay – by doing just that. The Black Knight went to Arthur’s court, humbly bearing the horn, wimple, and news of his own defeat. He later fought in the Gedeorde tournament, and was defeated by Fergus again.

Fergus | Guillaume le Clerc, 1200-1233

Black Knight

The name given to Lancelot, when he appeared in disguise (carrying a black shield) at Arthur’s second battle against Galehaut. Lancelot showed so much prowess in the battle that Galehaut called off the war with Arthur in order to win the Black Knight’s friendship.

Lancelot do Lac | 1215-1220
Vulgate Lancelot | 1215-1230

Black Knight

In the romance of Yder, a Black Knight besieges the Castle of Maidens. Arthur ignored their pleas for help, preferring to direct his attention to a different battle. Later, however, he vowed to punish the Black Knight’s outrage.

Yder | Early 13th century

Black Knight

A nickname given to Baruc the Black, a knight defeated by Sagremor (Sagramore).

Le Livre d’Artus | Early 13th century

Black Knight

A knight in Arthur’s service who defeated a knight named Tantalis.

Floriant et Florete | c. 1250-1275
Claries et Laris | 1268

Black Knight

An alias of the Ugly Hero, one of Arthur’s knights.

L’Atre Perilleux | Mid-13th century

Black Knight


In the Middle English Sir Perceval of Galles, a warrior (true name unknown) whose wife a young Perceval met in a forest. Perceval innocently kissed the lady and exchanged rings with her, which the Black Knight interpreted upon his return as adultery. Consequently, the jealous Black Knight tied her to a tree.

Perceval encountered them again, as a knight. He defeated the Black Knight in combat, explained the truth of the situation to him, and forced him to reconcile with his wife.

The character is known in Chrétien’s Perceval as Orgellous.

Sir Perceval of Galles | Early 14th century

Black Knight

Son of Arthur’s Tom a’Lincoln by Anglitora, thus Arthur’s grandson. Tom’s ghost appeared to his son and related how he had been murdered by Anglitora and her lover. The Black Knight slew the two lovers to avenge his father’s death.

Tom a Lincolne | Richard Johnson, 1599-1607

Black Knight

The name adopted by Sir Perard (Percard), one of Gareth’s opponents.

Le Morte Darthur | Sir Thomas Malory, 1469-1470

Black Knight

The son of the King of the Carlachs and one of Arthur’s knights. He was defeated by the Knight of the Lantern.