Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Brandus des Illes

Brandilias, Brandin of the Isles, Brandins de la Dolerouse Garde, Brandis, Branduz des Isles, Branduz of the Isles, Bratiduz de la Dolereuse Garde

The lord of La Dolorous Garde before Lancelot conquered it. When the Saxons invaded Britain at the beginning of Arthur’s reign, Brandin joined them against ArthurNiniane, the Lady of the Lake, was briefly his paramour and taught him some enchantments that he applied to his castle.

Brandus fled before Lancelot, tried to attack Arthur, and shortly thereafter, disguised as a vavasour, invited GawaineYwaine, and thier companions to La Doloreuse Chartre, where they met some of their companions alive whose names they had read on false graves at Dolorous Garde. What Brandus had not told Gawaine and Ywaine was that he intended to imprison them, too, in Dolorous Chartre.

Lancelot rescued them. Lancelot also forced him to release Gawaine and a number of other prisoners from the Dolorous Prison, a jail located in another of Brandin’s castles.

Brandus may perhaps be identified with Malory’s Sir Brian of the Isles.

Lancelot do Lac | 1215-1220
Vulgate Lancelot | 1215-1230
Le Livre d’Artus | Early 13th century