Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Brychan of Powys

Brychan Brycheiniog

An early legendary King of Powys. The King of Brecknock in Welsh tales. He might have been a historical figure – a fifth-century British chieftain, thought to be the father of up to sixty-three saints, including Saint Gwladys.

Brychan ruled over Brycheiniog about 400-450.

The Triads mention him as the father of Urien of Rheged’s mother Nefyn, and as one of the

Three saintly lineages of the Island of Britain.

In the life of Saint Cadoc, his wife Gwladys is abducted by King Gwynnlyw of Glamorganshire (Gwynnlym Filwk), and she is later lusted after by Arthur.

The town Brecon and the county Breconshire was called after Brychan.

Brych means brindled, or spotted.
Garth, that part of a mountain that terminates in a point, a promontory.
Madryn is an old Welsh word for fox.

Triads of the Island of Britain (Welsh ”Triads”) | 11th century to 14th century
Life of St. Cadoc | Lifris, late 11th century