Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Son of Yvain the Bastard and one of Arthur’s squires in Perlesvaus.

Arthur announced that he was going to take Cahus on a pilgrimage to the Chapel of St. Augustine in the White Forest. On the night before the scheduled journey, Cahus had a dream that he visited a shrine near the chapel, took a golden candle, and was stabbed in the side by a Black Knight.

He awoke in Arthur’s castle and found to his astonishment that he was holding a golden candle, and had a dagger stuck in his side. He perished of the wound after presenting the candle to his king.

A similar story is related about an unnamed attendant of Arthur’s in John of Glastonbury’s chronicle.

Perlesvaus | Early 13th century
Cronica sive Antiquitates Glastoniensis Ecclesie | John of Glastonbury, mid-14th century