Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


le Chevalier, vn Chevalier, li Chevaliers

There are in the narrative of the adventures of the prominent and well-known knights many others mentioned who figure more or less conspicuously in them. These knights are mostly not named, but are spoken of as “le chevalier”, “vn chevalier”, or “li chevaliers”. It would be a gigantic task to enumerate all these anonymous knights, I have listed the more important ones.

  • Chevalier
    Whom his squire strikes three times during the mass, while the Wild Man (Merlin) laughs three times.
  • Chevalier
    Merlin in disguise.
  • Chevalier
    Father of Guinebaus’ sweetheart.
  • Chevalier
    Whom Bertholai hates and kills.
  • Chevalier
    Cousin of the Lady of Roestoc, whom Eliezer succours.
  • Chevalier
    Lancelot removed a lance from his body after having sworn to take the consequences of his action. The knight is later revealed to be Trahans li Gai.
  • Chevalier
    A knight whom Lancelot meets on his way to Nohaut and who promises to show him a very beautiful damsel.
  • Chevaliers
    The two who guard the beautiful damsel mentioned in the entry above.
  • Chevalier
    Whom Lancelot defeats but allows to escape.
  • Chevalier
    Who loved the dead knight more than the one he wounded.
  • Chevalier
    Gawain’s host to whom Brun sans Pitie had told falsehoods.
  • Chevalier
    Who hospitably entertains Lancelot and then falls a victim to the latter’s oath.
  • Chevalier
    A third knight who loved the dead knight more than the one he wounded.
  • Chevalier
    He’s heartbroken by Guinas de Blakestan, his cousin.
  • Chevalier
    The nephew of the Duke of Cambenic.
  • Chevalier
    A knight who seized Lionel’s horse and blamed him.
  • Chevaliers
    Two knights who took Lionel’s horse from him.
  • Chevaliers
    Two knights whom Galeholt charged to fight Gawain and Hector near l’Isle Perdue.
  • Chevaliers
    A knight who is tied to a stake after having been cruelly beaten. Another attacked Ywain and is unhorsed by him, and five others rush upon Ywain.
  • Chevalier
    He had cut a damsel’s hair and is later killed by Galeshin.
  • Chevalier
    He pretends to attack Lancelot’s hostess to test him.
  • Chevalier
    A knight who guards a pass but is forced to let Lancelot pass.
  • Chevaliers
    Two knights whom Lancelot vanquishes.
  • Chevalier
    He disdainfully asked for the carted knight, that is Lancelot.
  • Chevaliers
    Many ‘li des prisonne’ (prisoners) whom Lancelot had liberated.
  • Chevalier
    He hates Guenevere and is killed by Lancelot.
  • Chevalier
    Lancelot orders him to convey Galeholt’s body to La Joyeuse Garde.
  • Chevalier
    An armed knight whom sings before a ‘pavilion’.
  • Chevaliers
    Two knights whom Sagremor vanquished.
  • Chevalier
    Lord of a castle where Dodinel is a prisoner.
  • Chevalier
    Gawain fights this knight at Corbenic.
  • Chevalier
    He guards a bridge and is thrown into the water by Hector.
  • Chevalier
    He claims Ywain’s horse, but is wounded and unhorsed by him.
  • Chevalier
    A knight who has taken a damsel’s hawk and is overcome by Ywain.
  • Chevalier
    Mordred fights and kills this knight.
  • Chevalier
    Mordred shamefully abuses this knight’s hospitality.
  • Chevalier
    Guardian of the decease of the forest. He is killed by Guerrehes.
  • Chevalier
    He illtreats his dwarf for having received Gaheriet.
  • Chevalier
    Cousin of Claudas.
  • Chevalier
    The husband’s cousin of the damsel who healed Lancelot.
  • Chevalier
    The companion of the damsel who has taken the dwarf’s dog.
  • Chevalier
    In the days of Uther Pendragon, he was refused a seat at the Round Table because he had received not a single wound in a year, and who contrived to die at the Round Table.
  • Chevalier
    This knight and his son refused to receive Ywain at their castle.
  • Chevalier
    He had killed a damsel’s brother because he tried to fetch her hawk out of his castle.
  • Chevalier
    This knight asked Lancelot if he had seen a knight and two damsels, and Lancelot asked him if he had seen his damsel.
  • Chevalier
    A knight who drags a damsel, beats her and cuts her head off.
  • Chevalier
    He kills the nephew of ‘la reine de Sorestan’ and desires to marry the daughter of the ‘due de Rochedon’.
  • Chevaliers
    Two knights who attack Lancelot and Mordred.
  • Chevalier
    Bohort fought this knight in the Perilous Palace at Corbenic.
  • Chevaliers
    Two brothers who Lancelot fights because one of them has declined to give him the hospitality which the knight’s sweetheart had conditionally offered him.
  • Chevalier
    A knight with black armor who kills a damsel the moment she asks Lancelot to help her. Lancelot kills him for his disloyalty.
  • Chevaliers
    Two knights who attack Kex the Seneschal.
  • Chevaliers
    Four knights whom Lancelot, disguised in Kex’s armor, vanquishes.
  • Chevalier
    Husband of the Lady of the Lake.
  • Chevalier
    Perceval and Patrides stops at this house. Perceval struck him down into the water because he was attacked by him for having cut the Chain of Patrides.
  • Chevalier
    Two brothers who hate and attack Bliant, whom the demented Lancelot defends and saves.
  • Chevalier
    Whom Lancelot in his madness cruelly attacks, whose sweetheart Bohort, Hector and Lionel meet.
  • Chevaliers
    Three knights who carry off a damsel. One of them is named Bertolle.
  • Chevalier
    A cousin of Amable, the damsel who cured Lancelot when he had drunk poisoned water.
  • Chevaliers
    Three knights who hate Lancelot for killing Belias and who attacked Lionel.
  • Chevalier
    Lover of the wife of the brother ‘du Sire de la Tour Quarree’.
  • Chevalier
    A traitor whom Gawain fights and whose head he cuts off.
  • Chevalier
    He asks Meliant to give up the crown which he has taken.
  • Chevalier
    Who takes the charger from the ‘varlet’, whom Perceval had begged to lend it to him.
  • Chevalier
    To whom Lancelot gives La Joyeuse Garde, when he leaves Britain.
  • Chevalier
    Whom King Lot orders to carry his infant son Gawain to the hermit in the wood to be christened.
  • Chevalier
    Gaheriet fights him.
  • Chevalier
    Agravain illtreats him cruelly.
  • Chevalier
    Gawain sees him being maltreated.
  • Chevalier ‘a la Manche’
  • Chevalier ‘armes noircs’
    A knight with black armor which he gives to Lancelot.
  • Chevalier ‘au Lyon’
    In other words, Ywain, the son of King Urien.
  • Chevalier ‘de Camaalot’
    Who tells Lancelot what has happened to Queen Guenevere.
  • Chevalier ‘de la Litiere’
    The host of Bagdemagus, who follows Lancelot for a long time but always accidentally misses him. He is healed by Lancelot. He is probably the one named ‘de la Litiere’ who carries off Lancelot’s arms.
  • Chevalier ‘de Logres’
    Through him Lancelot sends the magic chessboard and men to Guenevere.
  • Chevalier ‘de Uter’
    He finds Merlin.
  • Chevalier ‘deux de Claudas’
    He summons Guenevere’s cousin to return to their king.
  • Chevalier ‘del Pavilion’
    This knight’s paramour falls in love with Lancelot.
  • Chevalier ‘du Pavilion’
    Whom Lancelot cleaves to the teeth.