Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Two entries with the name Evadeam.


Avadain, Dwarf Knight

The son of King Brandegorre of Estrangorre (also Brandegoris). He was named after the British king Evadeam.

A young sorceress turned him into an ugly, misshapen dwarf after Evadeam would not reciprocate her love. He later fell in love with Byanne, whom he served. Byanne brought him to Arthur’s court and asked Arthur to knight him. Arthur did so, amidst his knighs’ jives and guffaws, and Evadeam was called the Dwarf Knight. He surprised his companions with his prowess.

When he turned 22 years old, the spell wore off (having been temporarily transferred to Gawain) and he took back his normal, handsome countenance.

Vulgate Merlin | 1220-1235


A British king after whom Evadeam, the Dwarf Knight, was named. He had a son named Tradelment.

Vulgate Merlin | 1220-1235