Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Grail Maiden

The Grail Maiden | Artist: Howard David Johnson, 1988

Any of a number of maidens who lived at the Grail Castle and were part of the Grail Procession witnessed by Perceval.

The chief Grail Maiden was in charge of bearing the Grail. In Wolfram, this is Repanse de Schoye. Chrétien, who seems to have first described her, does not tell us who she is.

According to D.D.R. Owen, he describes the scene in such a way as to allow the possibility that the radiance issues from the damsel rather than from the object she carries.

See also
Ampflise | The Legend of King Arthur
Clarischanze of Tenebroc | The Legend of King Arthur

Perceval, or Le Conte del Graal | Chrétien de Troyes, late 12th century
Parzival | Wolfram von Eschenbach, 1200–1210

Image credit
The Grail Maiden | Artist: Howard David Johnson, 1988